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Our next meeting time will be at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 23rd.

Selections for February 23rd:

Bless the Broken Road (Prelude) - Score


My Faith Looks Up to Thee #452 (Verses 1, 2 and 4) - Mp3

Praise and Worship:

Trust and Obey #467 (Verses 1, 2 and 4) - Mp3 - Score

Message in Song:

Yes, Lord, Yes - Score


The Trees of the Field - Mp3 - Score - Lyrics

I Lift My Eyes Up (Offertory) - Mp3

Closing Song:

Precious Name #536 UMH (Closing Song - Verses 1 and 4) - Video - Mp3 - Score

Extra Selections:

Welcome (Key of E) - Video - Score

We Are Called (Key of G) - Video - Score

Cares Chorus #2215 FWS

Love Lifted Me - Score